The manipulations of the Left are easy to avoid if one does not try to prove one’s virtue using social media.
There is no indication that David French has ever visited Hungary, but the idea that leading figures of an American political movement in which he no longer possesses even a crumb of influence or credibility feels affinity for that country clearly angers and frightens him.
It seems obvious that Russia, as it is now, cannot be an ally of the West. Perhaps in the future the Ukrainian government will be able to rebuild proper relations with Russia while protecting its boundaries. But this currently seems doubtful.
Fear of nature will rule every meaningful decision regarding life and death. Viruses and climate change will justify continued social isolation and an increasingly totalitarian government.
Conservatives and hippies would do well to recognise and foster the relationship that already exists between them. Strength in numbers and all that.
No amount of flag-wagging by uncouth or brutish xenophobes will reverse, or even oppose, the wilful undoing of an entire culture.
After ten years of war, with hundreds of thousands of deaths and the mass displacement of millions of civilians, the Syrian people are desperate for peace and stability.
In a conservative analysis, employed to detect the presence of revolution, one must distinguish the revolutionaries from all others. Revolutions always mark the overthrowing of an established order in favour of a new system.
Today is a historic day, for it marks the re-launch of this website. It also marks the commencement of expanded
A tactical alliance between conservatives and unorthodox figures of the left makes sense.
A major dilemma in Europe has become more acute with the substantial increase of Muslim asylum seekers from impoverished or devastated countries.
The Western artistic tradition is exhausted, modernism being both a symptom and a cause of that exhaustion.
Mayor Anne Hidalgois currently engaged on a campaign to save the planet by making the streets of Paris hideous and increasingly unbearable.
Emotional decisions are rarely prudent. A statesman who allows himself to be swayed by momentary feelings, risks forgetting the interests of the country he represents.