Poland Will Not Bow to EU “Blackmail”
Several EU leaders said they were concerned over Poland’s recent court ruling.
Several EU leaders said they were concerned over Poland’s recent court ruling.
One theory of Napoleon’s death is that he was poisoned by the arsenic in the wallpaper of Longwood House on St. Helena, accidentally or deliberately, as the case might be.
Russian activist Alexei Navalny has won the prize of the European Parliament.
Czech president Miloš Zeman is unable to fulfill his responsibilities.
Vox is not against Europe but is in favor of truly sovereign states within the framework of Europe. It will stand with others against the intolerant “European Taliban” of the Left: “We will reconstruct what they destroy and rebuild what they demolish.”
Morawiecki also said that the primacy of EU law was “not unlimited”.
Péter Márki-Zay defeated MEP Klára Dobrev.
The issue here is not Eastern Europe vs. Western Europe, or even traditionalist Europe versus progressive Europe. The issue is preserving real cultural diversity within a European Union.
The murderer was a Danish citizen, a Muslim convert and extremist.
The conversion of Michael Nazir-Ali, at this point in the life both of the established Church of England, the Catholic Church in England, and the wider Catholic Church, is plausibly the most significant conversion since the now St. John Henry Newman knelt at the feet of Bl. Dominic Barberi in Littlemore, Oxford, in October 1845, and asked for reception into the Catholic Church.
Russian activist Alexei Navalny has won the prize of the European Parliament.
Czech president Miloš Zeman is unable to fulfill his responsibilities.
Vox is not against Europe but is in favor of truly sovereign states within the framework of Europe. It will stand with others against the intolerant “European Taliban” of the Left: “We will reconstruct what they destroy and rebuild what they demolish.”
Morawiecki also said that the primacy of EU law was “not unlimited”.
Péter Márki-Zay defeated MEP Klára Dobrev.
The issue here is not Eastern Europe vs. Western Europe, or even traditionalist Europe versus progressive Europe. The issue is preserving real cultural diversity within a European Union.
The murderer was a Danish citizen, a Muslim convert and extremist.
The conversion of Michael Nazir-Ali, at this point in the life both of the established Church of England, the Catholic Church in England, and the wider Catholic Church, is plausibly the most significant conversion since the now St. John Henry Newman knelt at the feet of Bl. Dominic Barberi in Littlemore, Oxford, in October 1845, and asked for reception into the Catholic Church.
Russia defends itself against the accusations of manipulations.
Ukraine must remain a reliable transit country, Ursula von der Leyen said.
Polexit is ‘fake news’, according to Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
Christians are being driven out of their communities, particularly in Nigeria’s north and middle belt, bit by bit, and many of the villages are being abandoned. This is what has been called a “slow-motion genocide.”