Why Did Republicans Not Do Better?
We cannot know for certain what the outcome of the election will be; the very fact that there will be recounts only gives more weight to the “what happened?” question.
We cannot know for certain what the outcome of the election will be; the very fact that there will be recounts only gives more weight to the “what happened?” question.
Jordan Bardella’s campaign relied entirely on the theme of continuity and loyalty with Marine Le Pen. In his inaugural speech, he focused on the traditional themes of the Rassemblement National, emphasising migration and civilisational issues.
Biden has become such a problem for the Democrats that some candidates have quietly asked him not to come and stump for them in their local races. His appearances would lose more voters than they would gain.
Several scandals have exposed the internal dysfunctions and lack of truthfulness of many bishops, despite protests of transparency by the Church of France.
A growing area of concern, according to the numbers released by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, is the number of people who are neither working nor studying.
To cut the Gordian Knot constraining the Swedish economy, I suggest repealing the long-standing ‘fiscal framework’ that currently dictates how the Swedish Parliament conducts fiscal policy.
The advocacy organization had the bus made five years ago to show the contradictions and dangers of teaching children that biological sex is self-determined and can be changed surgically.
Will a renewed influx of Ukrainians, especially amid the ongoing fallout of Hungary’s energy crisis, test the limits of the Magyars’ generosity?
“Face to Face with Death. Hugo van der Goes, Old Masters, New Looks” at Sint-Janshospitaal in Bruges is open for visitors until February 5th, 2023.
The objective is to find a balance among countries with widely diverging interests, from the Visegrad to the southern states.
The incident comes as tensions between Serbia and Kosovo have ratcheted up in recent months.
Sweden has actively opposed nuclear weapons within its borders since signing the UN-negotiated Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in 1968.
You have to disconnect people from the idea of the heroic if you want to weaken a nation… The arts establishment doesn’t want heroes, because a hero represents something that is ‘unequal.’ Heroes represent something that has achieved greatness.
There were no casualties on either side, but the missile exchange marks a further step in the deterioration of relations between the two Koreas as the U.S. fears further nuclear tests by Pyongyang.
In spite of Russia’s reneging on its commitment to protecting the corridor, Turkey, the UN, and Ukraine continued operations on Monday and Tuesday, keeping Russia abreast of them.
Nearly 3 in 10 Austrians favor leaving the European Union, more than double the number who favored leaving the bloc prior to the pandemic and the Russo-Ukraine War.
The government would like to achieve “almost 100% enforcement.” But, while the number of illegal immigrants continues to increase, removal measures are less and less applied. Statistically, an illegal immigrant is more likely to be regularised than to be removed.
Deputy Chairman of Germany’s Federal Police Union Manuel Ostermann, who said more than 1,500 illegal migrants are arriving in Germany every day, accused Interior Minister Faeser of concealing the damning data.
Streets in Bucharest are lined with decaying neo-Brâncovenesc buildings. Instead of restoration, city-planners are heaping rubbish upon rubbish, building the same junk that has ruined cities from one end of Europe to the other.
Currently, the Democrats control both legislative chambers, but with very small margins. This is about to change.
Incumbent prime minister and Social Democrat chairwoman, Mette Frederiksen, intends to hand in her resignation while negotiating a new alliance to come back with renewed parliamentary support.
Macron, despite finally acknowledging the statistical phenomenon, has still refused to make “generalizations,” and added that he will “never make an existential link between immigration and insecurity.”