The Return of a Right-Wing That Is Skeptical of Capitalism
Indeed, why should a policy of unlimited free trade and ‘small government’ per se be conservative?
Indeed, why should a policy of unlimited free trade and ‘small government’ per se be conservative?
Some sponsors are not willing to host beyond the initial six months or have asked their guests to leave early, leaving refugees to scramble to find alternative housing.
The White House has warned that China’s attempts to exert its influence worldwide, as it has just done with what was traditionally a U.S. regional ally, were “not conducive” to the international order.
After 30 years of Irish Catholic and British Protestant sectarian violence, ended by the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, many say Ursula von der Leyen should have chosen her words with more care.
The grisly murder comes as the French media, in the past two weeks alone, has reported on several incidents involving illegal migrants carrying out brutal attacks—rapes and murders—against the elderly and other exceptionally vulnerable individuals, such as hospital patients and pre-teens.
A truly virtuous masculinity would involve men becoming capable of imitating Andrew Tate and then willingly refusing to do so. For what could be less admirable than a man who publicly makes performative utterances against the villain while living vicariously through his exploits?
Raising taxes and subsidizing companies that deal in ‘green energy’ has long been a failing strategy in the German political landscape.
Brussels witnessed fireworks raining down on its streets, as some among the Moroccan supporters began throwing rocks at police officers. Some of the fireworks were even discharged horizontally, used as projectiles.
According to a report released on October 28 by the Society of Family Planning, a research group that supports abortion rights, states where tight abortion restrictions went into effect in July all saw abortion numbers plummet by 95%.
The ‘basic inheritance’ is supposed to equalize chances for success in education and facilitate employment, but the reality is more complicated.
In Paris, despite Anne Hidalgo’s efforts, there are still traditions that resist, and on every street corner you can acquire, for the modest sum of one euro and a few cents, a piece of happiness and eternity.
Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow had prepared for this price cap—a controversial, and according to some experts, ineffectual mechanism that would ‘force’ Russia to sell its oil for less than current market value.
Although some countries have recovered, overall economic activity has been disappointing. To make matters worse, a closer look at capital formation—a.k.a., business investments—and consumer spending suggest that a recession is in fact just around the corner.
For there to be blasphemy there needs to be religion and, in this case, I am referring to the religions of identity politics and climate-change activism. These are not merely religions, however; they are the religions of fanatics.
Emmanuel Macron clearly tried to put on the costume of the defender of European interests against an American egoism always quick to impose itself in times of crisis.
The stakes are thermonuclear. Military ‘experts’ and strategists are becoming far too comfortable with tweets, podcasts, and TV studio soundbites about tactical nuclear bomb yield, fallout, and downwind projections.
In light of Musk’s adherence to free speech absolutism and the EU’s worsening allergy to open debate on a variety of topics, the road to peaceful co-existence could be bumpy.
Given that Bart De Wever will not allow Flanders to impoverish itself over the continued propping up of Wallonia, he sees confederalism as the sole option; through this, more authority—and responsibility—will flow to the separate regions.
Henry James praised Ivan Turgenev because, though the man possessed a pessimistic streak, in his novels he painted tender pictures that bled sympathy for all.
Nasser Kanani, the Foreign Ministry spokesman asserted that there would be “no form of cooperation with this political committee which has been framed as a fact-finding committee.”
Neoconservative ideology is on a collision course with traditional conservatism. Where the former wants a more centralized government, the latter seeks solutions that strengthen local communities and give people as much power over their own lives as possible.
Vlaams Belang Chairman Tom Van Grieken’s name came up third in the list of those politicians by whom the Flemish feel best represented.