Christians are being driven out of their communities, particularly in Nigeria’s north and middle belt, bit by bit, and many of the villages are being abandoned. This is what has been called a “slow-motion genocide.”
“We’re in either a collapse or a massive transformation culturally in the West,” Paul Kingsnorth tells me cheerfully from his
In some ways, “Prey” is the most inflammatory of Hirsi Ali’s books. Her thesis is a straightforward one: the mass migration of men from misogynist Muslim cultures is a threat to the hard-won rights of women in Europe.
Marion Maréchal has captured the attention of conservatives not just in France but around the world. She has an extraordinary talent for articulating where both the right and the left have gone wrong—and how they have both betrayed the people and the common good.
Unlike other ‘Bannon-watchers’—many of who seem unable to resist casting him as a Rasputin-like figure, while being simultaneously repulsed and fascinated by his insistence on speaking in symbolic and often apocalyptic terms—Teitelbaum approaches his subject from an unlikely angle.