Why the Czechs Should Reject the Euro
On the surface, everything looks good for the Czechs to join the euro. But look a bit closer, and the picture changes dramatically.
On the surface, everything looks good for the Czechs to join the euro. But look a bit closer, and the picture changes dramatically.
The EU should look to its own interests before hastily admitting a corrupt and war-torn state.
The German government again suspends its debt brake. So far, their country has been saved by its formidable export machine. Those days are gone.
Strategic and economic realities are forcing Europe to moderate its energy policy experiment.
A Thuringian town, like many in Germany, grapples with a massive influx of migrants. Locals talked to us about their fears.
Putting conservatism to work is a decades-long project. It requires patience and intellectual courage. We national conservatives have what it takes.
What’s behind the rise of the right-wing/populist AfD? We went to Eastern Germany to find out.
The Dutch populist Right’s historic victory shows just how disconnected the liberal establishment was from the people, although the road to a right-wing coalition government might be a rocky one.
Freedom conservatives continue to attack us national conservatives. The latest example is U.S. economist Steve Moore, who ignores the poor and doesn’t like pro-family tax policy.
What is called a mere “brawl” is in reality an attack with racist motives.
Europe’s conservatives want to be fiscally responsible, but they need to become bolder and address the root cause of government deficits and debt.
The U.S. government has suffered its second credit downgrade. Given the reaction from the Biden administration, we can safely predict: this is only the beginning.
Europe’s economy is falling behind America, and the gap is getting big. The reason is obvious, and so is the solution.
Good news! America has avoided a recession. But the Federal Reserve can still make one happen.
There is this notion that America will never face a fiscal crisis of the kind other countries have fallen victim to. This notion is dead wrong. Here is what an American fiscal crisis can look like.
The Hungarian economy has a lot going for it, but can it handle a big budget deficit and high inflation?
After decades of a culture war in which only one side has been fighting, VOX needed more than moderate poise and occasional rallies to turn things around.
Were the PP to govern now, it is unlikely that it would try to resolve the asymmetries of the Spanish system on display during these elections, especially with Núñez Feijóo at the helm.
Europe is stuck in unending economic stagnation. Everything suffers, from family budgets to health care to green policies. But there is a way back to growth and prosperity.
The U.S. government is doing everything wrong with its finances. Its current debt management strategy is downright stupid. Are they trying to fabricate a fiscal crisis?
VOX’s program contains a battery of tax-cutting measures. In particular, it aims to incentivise family formation and child rearing by removing the tax burden on families.
With a little bit of bad luck, Europe could soon face rising inflation again. How can we stop it? Is the gold standard the answer? We explain why not.