The Crisis of the Church and the Mystagogical Option, Part II: Warning and Diagnosis
The Church reacted against intellectual currents with a rationalistic Thomism in which the mystical dimension of reality was marginalized.
The Church reacted against intellectual currents with a rationalistic Thomism in which the mystical dimension of reality was marginalized.
Mystical union with God is the axis around which the Christian life turns.
Profaning sacred spaces for a quick buck caused Our Lord Jesus Christ to unleash His righteous fury.
Andrew Tate is not an ally in the culture wars.
Our duty as Catholics is to pray for the Pope; but, to do so truly, we must not blind ourselves to his faults.
When the Japanese arrived in Hawaii, they had no problem identifying the local kami, or ‘spirits,’ of the nation. We explore the importance of national definition.
What is widely termed ‘trophy hunting’ is one of those very rare things in this fallen and troubled world: a near-unqualified good.
Strauss revitalized the study of political philosophy and questioned the premises of progressivist historicism.
The mythic framing of the climate revolution finds its heart deep in the symbolism of a conflict between man and nature under Heaven.
What critics miss about the Muslim-turned-atheist’s dramatic conversion
If someone in the audience kept talking after Corelli had already started playing, he would immediately lower his violin until the room had become completely silent. If the talking continued, he would refuse to play at all.
Rather than being opposed to the establishment, these activist foot soldiers provide the street muscle, fierce passion, and raised voices that bureaucrats dare not show.
In contrast to ESG-promoting stakeholder capitalism, coherent conservatism is simply the politics that emerges when control is not the priority; it is the politics that does not seek to break down community in order to use its parts.
Somehow, some way, stewardship of the forest and the rest of the natural environment must be snatched from the ranks of the stupid and insane.
In undermining our very human nature, and neglecting our unique ability to seek and come into union with truth, AI will leave us not only uninspired but undignified.
Digital culture tells you that your will is, or should be, unencumbered by history, materiality, or any unchosen obligation.
Race-baiting activists claim that the story of Britain is nothing but a litany of racist horrors, yet they also argue that black people have been the leading characters of this story from the very beginning. Which is it?
The extraordinary story of Nordic conservatism is traced back to the Viking age.
In the short term, AI could hit the consultant sector hardest—conservatives should be thinking about how a post-intermediary economy relates to their principles.
In Augustine, Ratzinger found a thinker who believed that the dimensions of faith and reason “should not be separated or placed in opposition; rather, they must always go hand in hand.”
An optimistic model for integrating AI in ways that do not subordinate local needs and cultures, but instead empowers them, could constitute a major plank of future political platforms.
A Catholic life can only remain hidden for so long; every Catholic will face a moment when their faith will demand public action, whatever the cost.
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