American Shinto: Or How Conservatives Offend the Dead
When the Japanese arrived in Hawaii, they had no problem identifying the local kami, or ‘spirits,’ of the nation. We explore the importance of national definition.
When the Japanese arrived in Hawaii, they had no problem identifying the local kami, or ‘spirits,’ of the nation. We explore the importance of national definition.
What is widely termed ‘trophy hunting’ is one of those very rare things in this fallen and troubled world: a near-unqualified good.
Strauss revitalized the study of political philosophy and questioned the premises of progressivist historicism.
The mythic framing of the climate revolution finds its heart deep in the symbolism of a conflict between man and nature under Heaven.
What critics miss about the Muslim-turned-atheist’s dramatic conversion
Rivera deliberately chose the moment of creation as a subject matter, recognizing its revolutionary potential.
The flickering torch illuminating the pathway towards the True, the Good, and the Beautiful must not expire on our watch.
We are a patriotic and freedom-loving people, and we cannot endure any more of this.
“The part that we live is really small. All the rest of existence is not life but merely time.” People with no hobbies read Seneca’s words as a kind of profit and loss spreadsheet.
International cities are organised in a cabal to euthanise the antiquated nation-states of the West along with the international Westphalian system.
In the short term, AI could hit the consultant sector hardest—conservatives should be thinking about how a post-intermediary economy relates to their principles.
In Augustine, Ratzinger found a thinker who believed that the dimensions of faith and reason “should not be separated or placed in opposition; rather, they must always go hand in hand.”
An optimistic model for integrating AI in ways that do not subordinate local needs and cultures, but instead empowers them, could constitute a major plank of future political platforms.
A Catholic life can only remain hidden for so long; every Catholic will face a moment when their faith will demand public action, whatever the cost.
The assumption at the heart of philosophy is that the world is in some mysterious way a divine communication.
So, what happens when the ‘liberal’ undermines the ‘democracy’?
Domenico’s last work is a bittersweet farewell to earthly life and perhaps a reconciliation with his demanding father, Alessandro, who would surely have smiled approvingly.
Christianity envisions an order of distinct nations and peoples without fetishizing race as a point of dogmatic principle.
“Suddenly there was a third climber next to me … just out of my field of vision. I could not see the figure … but I was certain there was someone there. I needed no proof,” Reinhold Messner recalled his encounter.
Despite talk of the pandemic being ‘unprecedented,’ at least one dimension of the lockdowns did have precedent.
If we do not wish for our reality to become a boundless, shapeshifting simulacrum, we may just need to rebuild the entire modern worldview from the ground up.
In Hills Like White Elephants Hemingway immortalized a conversation not just of that time, but of all times: a man trying to persuade a woman who is already a mother that she is not yet a mother.