An Exceptional Mosaic Unveiled During Excavations in Syria
Prior to the outbreak of war in Syria in 2011, Rastan—the town where the mosaics are located—had not been the subject of any archaeological campaign.
Prior to the outbreak of war in Syria in 2011, Rastan—the town where the mosaics are located—had not been the subject of any archaeological campaign.
Without question, the biggest reason why Kristersson is now the new prime minister is the impressive rise of the Swedish democrats.
This year’s economics prize winners are good economists, but their research is far from the original contribution that should merit a Nobel Prize.
Trade with hostile nations is always not a bad idea—after all, interdependence can increase the chances of peace. Yet some European countries were perhaps naïve to pursue a normalisation of relations with Iran so eagerly.
The defection of Forza Italia’s votes in the Senate reveals that tensions persist in the coalition over posts in the future government. Meanwhile, Sergio Mattarella has not officially recognized Giorgia Meloni as prime minister.
Whatever its opinion concerning the Spanish empire, the Descolonícemonos initiative quickly betrayed its abject submission to prevailing ‘woke capitalism.’
The sanctions, which Orbán described as a “catastrophe”—and argued had been implemented in a “primitive” way— are “killing Hungary and Germany too.”
An analysis of the Bulgarian political landscape highlights the structural fragility of the country, which, unlike its Eastern European neighbours, has not yet fully succeeded in its transition to a serene democratic state.
When someone faces criminal charges for voicing their beliefs, everyone—whether they agree or not—should pay attention. The reality is that if the government can threaten and punish Caroline or Päivi for their convictions, they can punish anyone.
Although the newly released report from the United Nations does not explicitly state the transformative consequences of its policy recommendations, it unabashedly agitates for using the economy as a tool for global social engineering.
Facebook gives itself the luxury of offering its “two minutes of hate” to its subscribers, telling them, in its great wisdom, which enemies are allowed.
The WHO said it had advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country’s public health laboratories to prevent “any potential spills” and worried that continued fighting raised the risk of damage to those facilities. It would not say when it had made the recommendation, nor did it specify what kinds of pathogens or toxins were housed there.
After a series of scandals, former conservative shooting-star Sebastian Kurz has fallen from grace. But instead of showing personal accountability, he became the latest example of an ex-politician landing softly in advisory boards of multinational companies and NGOs.
Far from what the label suggests, humanist weddings do not free spouses to live in accordance with truth. The reconquest of freedom is at the heart of Christian marriage, which for centuries has been one of the original features and strengths of Western civilisation.
Swedish MEP Charlie Weimers’ speech in the European Parliament on Putin and Ukraine: “Forcing millions to flee and tearing families apart is incompatible with ‘family values.'”
The outbreak of war in Ukraine has caused an identity crisis in Europe. Yesterday’s pacifism turned into today’s belligerence in a heartbeat, all the while avoiding the geopolitical elephant in the room in favor of moral indignation. This should be a wake-up call.
Beware of those who would betray the proud Gascon. Obviously, Joe Wright, the American director who embarked on the highly questionable adventure of adapting Cyrano to the wokish style, must not have been aware of the risks involved.
A better strategy for the EU could be to clean up its own house first. The enormous amounts the EU spends on agriculture, a few hundred billion over seven years, heavily subsidize intensive agriculture, with 80% of EU cash going to 20% of the recipients.
Proponents of unity based on imperial and religious ties must remind their opponents of the tremendous pluralism that existed within that imperial administration under which much of their continent was once united.
There is not much good news in the unfolding tragedy that is Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but the resolve and
Any major monetary expansion causes inflation. This past year, a combination of domestic restrictions on economic activity, speculation in the headwind of uncertainty, and the overall nature of energy markets, created inflationary pressure where under normal economic circumstances none would have existed.
At the very moment when the Christian Gospel, with its life-giving and hopeful message of the triumph of life over death, and of light defeating darkness, so desperately needed to be heard, there seemed to be silence from those charged with preaching that Good News.
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