The Bolivar Legacy
Part II: Debt and Regret
We may trace the beginning of Latin American poverty and economic subordination to Bolivar’s policy of garnering support by indebting his embryonic state.
We may trace the beginning of Latin American poverty and economic subordination to Bolivar’s policy of garnering support by indebting his embryonic state.
The Three Kings represent the truth-seekers of the earth, the rulers of the ‘pagan’ realm, the lands which had not yet seen God but were nonetheless expecting the coming of the Lord.
It’s obvious Proust knew a great deal about art and architecture and music; he was a keen observer of human behavior, but he can take a moment and turn it into an eternity.
Russia and China conceive of the emerging multipolar world in different ways despite their substantial convergence in opposition to Western unipolarity.
Pope Benedict’s expansive mind formed me in the humane habits of awareness that harmonise the intellect and the affectivity of the heart with the culture and civilisation that is our proper inheritance.
Why was Bangha remembered by the Jewish press as an ‘enemy of racism’ if his papers were full of anti-Semitism in the early 1920s? The answer seems to lie in his understanding of the role of Catholicism in public life.
The modern mind, which reduces everything to a means—a mere apparatus of use—subordinates even God to such a perverse conception of reality.
The issue of sexual degradation, around which #MeToo centers, has stirred something in the modern woman’s heart and compelled her to come face-to-face with the simple reality that she is the prisoner of a culture obsessed with unbounded sexual freedom.
The democratic statesman must subordinate his own interests to the good of his fellow citizens and foster the temporal political common good, which is not separated from the common good in the fullest sense: God.
“… you never can think what a good place Heaven is, without knowing who He was and what He did.” —Charles Dickens, from The Life of Our Lord
Kierkegaard is hardly known for his political thought but he was a keen observer of his age, including the political revolutions and ideologies of his time.
The rise of videos celebrating and glamourizing mental illness is one of the alarming consequences of our ‘post-truth’ culture.
It isn’t easy for Europeans to love a place. Which is a provocative way of saying it isn’t easy for modern people to do so. We—moderns in general—are biassed towards language, and sooner see what we believe than believe what we see.
If these academics are believed, every closet in Middle Earth is absolutely stuffed with creatures eager to launch Pride Parades in Mordor and Drag Queen Story Hour in the Shire. This work is not simply academic navel-gazing—activists have petitioned Amazon to include LGBT characters in the new small screen adaption of Tolkien’s work.
For those who love Lebanon and its people, the apparent indifference of the West to this unique nation and its struggles is incomprehensible.
Simply railing against illegal immigration misses the point. Industrialization, urbanisation, globalisation, and crime are today a web of interconnected factors. Latin American gangs in Madrid are the perfect example.
The Western European elite has no trouble posting Holocaust remembrance messages on social media, but they struggle to recognize that the very immigration policies they favor actually contribute to anti-Semitism in Europe.
NATO expansion into the Nordic region of Europe could unnecessarily escalate tensions with Russia. In doing so, the expansion could cause a conflict which would not be in the interest of the United States.
The first in a three-part series exploring Shakespeare’s engagement with pagan/Roman morality in Julius Caesar, this essay focuses on the character of Caesar himself.
Poland’s conservative thought offered some crucial contributions in the early modern period of European history. Now, as Legutko, Stawrowski, Roszkowski, and others show us, it may also offer original solutions and alternatives to the maladies that rot the old continent today.
Under the American and British electoral systems, Viktor Orbán would have won 82% of parliamentary seats in 2022; and 98% of them back in 2010.
Children must not be shielded from struggle. This is, perhaps unexpectedly, among the few advantages of educating children in schools rather than at home, for there they have the chance to experience struggle as a part of life and to learn how to do it with courage and kindness.