Why the Right Constantly Loses—and How To Change That
The Left uses an ingenious rhetorical strategy to win—one the Right can and should adopt.
The Left uses an ingenious rhetorical strategy to win—one the Right can and should adopt.
So far, there are no signs of a U.S. recession. But how certain can we really be that no downturn is coming?
Economic theory does not recognize ‘structural inflation.’ This is too bad, because it is very likely the main reason why European inflation remains higher than it should be.
Economic stability benefits as interest rates outpace inflation in the U.S. and the euro zone.
In Argentina and abroad, Javier Milei is being recognised for strong—and, so far, successful—economic leadership.
After a month of negotiations, there’s a new government of national unity in South Africa. But will it work?
Costa’s cowardice and lack of scruples could lead him to normalise extremist policies without a thought.
Structural spending reform replaces today’s welfare state with basic but dignified benefits to those who by no fault of their own are unemployed.
The actions of the International Criminal Court incentivize the Palestinians to continue their zero-sum stance towards the conflict.
Reckless government spending is going to provoke more fiscal austerity in Europe. There is no right way to do austerity. Here is why.
Emmanuel Macron is betting on panic and fear of the extremes in hope of hanging on to power.
The Mises Institute has gone on an all-out attack against the Federal Reserve. Why don’t they focus on the real problem in our economy?
After 20 years of trying to curb crime by getting rid of cash, the Swedes are beginning to realize that every economy needs cash—and that criminals are good at adjusting to circumstances.
How did the EU Commission choose what states to target? There is no real reason for Hungary and Malta to be on the same list as France, and for Greece to not be on the list.
The Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir is no stranger to Islamist terrorism.
With recent declines in interest rates on U.S. debt, the market is ready for a Trump presidency and a new tax reform.
Ubiquitous porn use has transformed sex, dating, and marriage across the world.
The EU Commission wants to punish France for fiscal recklessness. But the EU is full of budget violators, so why France—and why now?
With a record of radical tax reform, Trump could indeed end the income tax. But the road to such a reform is filled with bumps. Here are three of them.
Conservative politicians are highlighting security concerns at both the Belarussian and German borders.
Politicians, celebrities, and the media are pulling out all the stops to prevent an RN victory.
Despite what EU technocrats say, sovereign states—not the EU—will have to take action to expand their militaries into forces worthy of the global stage.